Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Legal Briefs: This Week in Law, Strippers Get Minimum Wage : Life ...

Montana Supreme Court rules that judge, who came under fire after he sentenced a former teacher who had sexual relations with a student to thirty days in prison, cannot review the sentencing. ?(BBC News)

After months of proceedings, Ghana?s supreme court endorses the results of the presidential election. ?(The Economist)

Forthcoming academic paper argues that the ?Law & Order? television series may impact juries. ?(Wall Street Journal)

Texas approves new legislation that allows courts to grant new trials in cases in which forensic science has evolved. ?(NY Times)

Should legally blind individuals be allowed to receive gun permits? ?(CBS News)

Trials of Kenyan leaders start in the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. ?(Washington Post)

Southern District of New York partially denies Lady Gaga?s motion for summary judgment in suit brought by a former assistant who is seeking overtime wages. ?(SDNY)

New book ?A Wild Justice? tells the story of Furman v. Georgia and how the Supreme Court came close to abolishing the death penalty. ?(Slate)

Judge rules that strippers are employees, not independent contractors, and therefore should be paid a minimum wage. ?(Businessweek)

Customer sues Apple for breach of contract, claiming that he is entitled to the full final season of ?Breaking Bad,? not just the first eight episodes. ?(Rolling Stone)

Josh Blackman?s ?Unprecedented: The Constitutional Challenge to Obamacare? discusses the legal maneuvers taken in an effort to overturn President Obama?s health care law. ?(The Daily Caller)



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